10 Feb Rothchild Endorsed by Womens Group
Last week the grassroots advocacy organization Progressive Women of NEPA endorsed Jessica Rothchild’s bid for the Scranton City Council. Rothchild, a local physical therapist and progressive activist, is competing against incumbent Councilman Tim Perry, Scranton School Director Mark McAndrew, and U.S Army veteran Andy Chomko in the May Democratic primary.
Rothchild is running on a platform of transparency, access, and continuing revitalization of Scranton. She feels the city should make it easier for the public to access information and have their concerns addressed. Rothchild is also looking to form partnerships in the community to retain businesses and residents.
“As a student at the University of Scranton, I fell in love with this city and all it has to offer,” Rothchild said “Now, as an engaged resident in my community, I want to serve my fellow residents and make city government more accessible to the people. If elected I will be a new voice with a new vision for Scranton.”
Rothchild is a Commissioner on the Pennsylvania Commission for Women and past President of Equality Pennsylvania. While an undergraduate at the University of Scranton she co-founded the University’s LGBT student organization. Rothchild also serves on the Scranton Human Relations Commission, but as a strong advocate for government ethics she will be taking a leave of absence to run for council.
Rothchild has lived in many parts of Scranton, but currently lives in the Hill Section with her wife Bridget McIntyre. She also serves in leadership positions for local organizations including the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee, Lackawanna Democratic Committee, Action Together NEPA, and the Lackawanna County Young Democrats.
The mission of Progressive Women of NEPA is to recruit, train, fund, and work to elect progressive women in Northeastern Pennsylvania to political office at the local and state levels of government. Rothchild is so far the only woman and openly LGBTQ person in the race for a spot on the all male governing body.
Along with Perry, Republican Councilman Wayne Evans occupies the other seat on November’s ballot. He has not publicly announced whether he will seek another term.
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