Scranton's elected representatives are optimistic about the $34.1 billion budget Governor Tom Wolf unveiled last week in his annual budget address in Harrisburg....
State law enforcement officials raided the Administration Office of the Scranton School District this week. Media reports indicate that they removed documents and computers from the board secretary and the transportation director's offices. The other shoe is dropping. We bet there are lots of nervous former bus drivers in Scranton this weekend.
Mayor Bill Courtright introduced his 2019 budget this week. No increases in city taxes but the $300 garbage fee remains in place. If approved by City Council, the Mayor's budget will represent the third consecutive year without hikes in taxes. This is Scranton and that's no small feat. Critics of the Mayor will...
The 2019 city budget, introduced Friday by Mayor Bill Courtright, includes no increases in property taxes. If ratified, the budget will represent the third consecutive year of no tax hikes....